Stone Diaries

A field journal of ancient sites


  • It’s been a funny eight hours, for certain. About lunchtime today, just before the creeping dread of knowing you’ve much work to do and not much time left, came some news that added an additional spanner to the day. Let’s summarise it simply. Just Stop Oil paint Stonehenge orange. It’s outlandish to read or say… Read more

  • 23rd July 2023 The discovery of a stone circle close to home was certainly something worth investigating, although reports from other stone botherers set the expectation that compared to other sites, this would be an altogether different experience to that of which I was accustomed to. The stone circle is situated within the grounds of… Read more

  • Avebury at dawn

    27th May 2023 It was a true pilgrimage, if ever there was one. Awake at the unfeasible hour of 3am and in the car by 3.15am, hurtling down the road. By the time I joined the motorway, I was aware of dawn’s first light creeping steadily over the horizon, a race against time. While dawn… Read more

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